Here are examples of Catholic Gap Year programs in North America. Please read our disclaimer.
Missionary Programs
Catholic Christian Outreach
CCO’s Vine Program is an 8 month immersion into full time campus missionary activity. Our missionaries serve on 15 campus’ across Canada, engaging university students daily through faith studies, regular events, and one-on-one leadership development.
Christ in the City
Christ in the City is a Catholic non-profit dedicated to forming missionaries, volunteers and communities in knowing, loving and serving the poor. This is accomplished through encountering the chronically homeless in Denver Colorado.
Family Missions Company
Family Missions Company, founded in 1997, is a lay Catholic apostolate dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel to all creation, even to the ends of the earth. Our missionary vocation is rooted in Jesus’ Great Commission and confirmed in the teachings of the Church.
NET Canada
Our missionaries reach out and pray with over 20,000 youth all across Canada, each year. We invite each youth to encounter Christ through personal testimonies and our witness. NET missionaries carry the urgency of inviting all whom they meet to have a personal relationship with Jesus.
NET USA sends teams of young missionaries out to parishes and schools across the nation to awaken the faith in young Catholics disconnecting from the Church. Since 1981, we have shared the Gospel with more than 2 million young people across the United States.
Formation Programs
Madonna House
Experience the fullness of Gospel life—God’s presence in every moment— while sharing our Madonna House life. Take part in the life of the community, with its balance of physical work, prayer, study, and recreation; the ordinary life of our family, living out Jesus’ command to “Love one another.”
St. Therese Institute
St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission is a 9-month Catholic post-secondary school of faith formation. The program at St. Therese includes daily prayer and sacraments, community living, and an academic classroom component. All of these are lived out in the spirituality of St. Thérèse’s “Little Way of Holiness.”